Perfect Light Camera & The Yellowstone Camera store are factory direct pro dealers for Nikon, Canon, Sony, Tamron, Tokina, Sigma, Vortex and many other top brands. We are the same price as online dealers and big box stores, all with the same US Warranties and competent, experienced service & advice.
Renting is a great option if you would like to try that new camera, lens, binoculars or spotting scope you have been thinking about!! See how you like it and get some real hands on experience. Or, if you just do not want or need to own a big specialty lens or spotting scope, give us a call, reserve the item for your arrival, pick it up in West Yellowstone or Idaho Falls and drop it off on the way out of town!! Its easy, inexpensive & convenient!!
We rent Nikon, Canon & Sony Cameras as well as the full line of the newest Tamron G2 Zoom Lenses from 15mm to 600mm. Vortex Optic rentals include binoculars, spotting scopes w/tripod & digi-scope adapters.